Premarital Counseling

Preparing couples for happy and long lasting marriages.

According to some studies, premarital counseling can reduce the chance of divorce by up to 30%. Yet why is it that many couples are willing to spend countless hours and dollars preparing for the wedding day, and very little time and effort building a solid foundation for marriage. We encourage you to invest in your marriage before it starts by doing premarital counseling. Our counselors will help you work through issues that have already surfaced in your relationship as well as anticipating potential problems that might be avoided. 

Topics frequently covered in premarital counseling include: 

  • Relationship strengths and growth areas

  • Communication

  • Conflict resolution

  • Individual and couple goals

  • Financial goals and budgeting

  • Gender roles and expectations

  • Parenting issues

  • Spiritual issues

  • Sexual issues

  • Whatever issues you are facing or anticipating


Our counselors will work with you to customize your counseling to meet your needs and desires. At Waterstone Counseling Center we are committed to helping couples prepare for the inevitable challenges of marriage.