Child Counseling

People often think of counseling as a resource for adults to manage the complexities of life, but increasingly our children are feeling the weight and burden of life’s challenges as well. Children are very perceptive and they often struggle when things are not going well for parents, other family members, and friends.  Child counseling is designed to help children cope and deal with these problems. Unresolved problems or disorders can impede a child's development or trigger unhealthy emotional states.

At Waterstone Counseling Center we have counselors who are trained to work with children. Our counselors utilize play therapy and other research-based techniques that are proven to help children. Some of the common issues and concerns that can be addressed in child therapy include:

  • Child depression

  • Anxiety

  • Bullying

  • Social Skills

  • School problems

  • Family issues

  • Blended family concerns (divorce, step-parents, etc.)

  • Coping with abuse (sexual, physical, emotional)

  • Trauma recovery

  • Coping with divorce

  • Coping with death and loss

  • Coping with illness

Many children benefit from the support of a therapeutic relationship with a caring counselor.. Counselors may meet with just a child, or with the child and his or her parent(s). This will be discussed and determined by the counselor, child, and parents.

If you have any questions or concerns about child counseling, please feel free to contact us. We would love to talk with you about the benefits of child counseling, and help you determine if this is something that might benefit your child. There is nothing more important than the health and well-being of your family, and we are here to help families in Northwest Arkansas achieve a happier and more hopeful future.